Keyholder correspondence received

Dear Chairman

I am writing to vent my frustration at the loud arbiters of taste amongst us who bang on incessantly about ugly modern architecture and overgrown sick and dying trees.  In short: the greying Barbour-clad reactionary mass who wish to drag Edinburgh down to a lacklustre same-old, same-old banality.

We are blessed in Edinburgh with mesmeric views and vistas, all too often obscured by absurdly overgrown huge trees.  This cult fetish for trees gets my goat.  Queen Street Gardens East is so much improved by the recent judicious cutting back and pruning of shrubs and trees: space and distance opened up.

We need to inject theatre and taste into our capital city as it is crumbly and rundown in many areas. 

Take a look at the brown-furnished rancid interiors of these objectors, and their anger at progress, and ask yourself: Why do they get to shout so loud when their aesthetic is so poor?

You should travel and see beautiful modern urban design all over Europe, and please try to be less provincial and dull.


Henry Root, EH3 
